Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin – “I Am a Kind Man”
The overall purpose of Kizhaay Anishinaabe Niin – “I Am a Kind Man” initiative is to engage children, male youth, men, two Spirited people, and families to speak out and work together in a safe and confidential place to end all forms of violence towards Indigenous women, girls, children and families.
Our objectives are to provide education and support for men, young adults and children to help them and our communities address issues of violence against women, girls, children and families.
To re-establish traditional responsibilities by acknowledging that our teachings have never tolerated violence and abuse towards women, children and families.
To inspire men and boys to engage other men to get involved and stop the abuse.· To support Aboriginal men who choose not to use violence.
Indigenous Court Worker Program Overview HRIC:
The Indigenous Court Worker is available to provide assistance to all Indigenous people who are in conflict with the legal system whether they are status, non-status, Metis, or Inuit.
General Description/Goals:
Indigenous Court Workers: assist Indigenous adults and youth charged with a criminal
offense under the Criminal Code of Canada; separating couples; and parents involved
in child welfare matters to better understand their rights, options and responsibilities
when appearing before the courts.
Criminal Court Workers: guide Indigenous adults and youth charged with a criminal
offense to navigate the court process. The program assists accused offenders to better
understand their rights, options and responsibilities when appearing before the courts
through the guidance of a Courtworker.
Family Courtworkers: assist Indigenous youth involved in the criminal justice system,
separating couples involved in family court, and Indigenous families dealing with child
welfare matters to navigate the court process.
Life Long Care
Program Overview
The Life Long Care program services chronically ill, cognitively impaired, physically disabled, frail and elderly urban Indigenous people from cradle to grave. The delivery of community support services include transportation, friendly visiting, congregate dining, Aboriginal support, security checks, subsidized footcare clinics and life skills outreach in the community. The goal of the program is to provide culturally appropriate and holistic services that meets the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs while ensuring the quality of life for those receiving Life Long care services. The Life Long Care Program (LLCP) is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, through the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC). Our programs and services are delivered through culturally appropriate framework and we understand that each community member has their own unique needs.
To Support the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, to deliver the Life Long Care Program services in compliance with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and Ontario Federation of Indian Friendships Centre policies.
Primarily conducted at a client’s home, long term care facility and in-office visit. The Life Long Care Worker assists the client(s) with shopping, bill paying, banking, or accompanied to social/cultural outings.
A service that provides isolated individuals with regular contact to determine that the client is not in a crisis. This service is done through telephone call or done at home if client does not have a phone.
A support service which provides transportation, a nutritious meal and social activity.
A support service which provides transportation to medical appointments through the HRIC vans, bus tickets or taxi slips. LLC workers can also assist with transportation to social events and other outings.
A support service that provides with information and referral services, advocacy, translations, medical, assistance with filling out forms and applications, and accessing services from mainstream organizations
Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker Program (AADWP)
Goal of the Program
The goal of the Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Worker Program( AADWP) is to assist Aboriginal people in addressing alcohol/drug issues and preventing or minimizing the negative effects of addictive substances for aboriginal individuals, families and communities. The AADWP is designated as a community based assessment, referral and support program for Aboriginal people desiring to improve their quality of life by moving away from addiction lifestyles.
The AADWP also provides alternatives to alcohol, drug and solvent abuse through family and community based activities and events, which promote healthy active living free from alcohol and substance abuse. Plans of recovery and after care support programs are also provided to those who return from Treatment Centres.
The AADWP also provide education and information services to schools, community groups, and mainstream treatment and service providers. Worker also participates in community events to promote and articulate the aspirations of the urban Aboriginal community.
To promote healthy lifestyles free from alcohol, drug and solvent abuse within the Aboriginal community;
To promote existing MHLTC sponsored treatment service models within the urban community;
To promote healthy alternatives to alcohol, drug and solvent abuse;
To promote a culturally appropriate system of addiction treatment series and programs for aboriginal people with alcohol and drug abuse problems;
To increase knowledge and sensitivity trough awareness for service providers in the addiction field; and,
To increase the effectiveness and provide cost effective treatment, series development for alcohol and drug abuse programs with the Friendship Centre.
For More Information Contact Hamilton Regional Indian Centre
34 Ottawa Street North
Healing and Wellness
The Healing and Wellness Coordinator Program focuses on improving Indigenous health and reduction of family violence which is achieved through the provision of services for those most at risk. The delivery of programs and services are culturally appropriate and address the prevention, aftercare and concurrent impacts of family violence on health.
This program ensures that the healing and wellness needs of the Aboriginal community are addressed by implementing the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy at the local level in order to reduce family violence, promote healthy lifestyles, and is culture based. Approaches to the program and services delivery are structured around the “Healing Continuum”, which includes the Promotion of Awareness, Prevention, Crisis Intervention, Curative, Rehabilitative, Promotion of Stability, Training and Supportive Resources. The Healing Continuum model is based on the fundamental teachings of kindness and incorporates the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of the individual.
Services include but are not limited to: one on one peer counselling, anger management, healthy relationships, anti-violence education, self-care, grief and bereavement, and access to traditional knowledge keepers and medicines. Community members can self-refer by calling the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre and asking for one of the Healing and Wellness Coordinators.
- Access to wholistic, Anishinaabe/Haudenosaunee worldview and culture based resources.
- Provide supportive responses to the intellectual wellbeing of Urban Indigenous Community members who are starting or are on their wellness journey.
- Weaving of Traditional ways of helping with trauma-informed and strength based approaches to those seeking to address their mental health concerns.
- Provide individual sessions and virtual Sharing Circles to support one’s journey to Mino Pimaadzawiin, using a Good Mind and becoming in harmony with Spiritual ways.
- Assist Urban Indigenous community members to address substance misuse and intellectual wellness.
- Prevent or minimize the toxic effects of being out of harmony/unbalanced in all four quadrants as a person with responsibilities to a Clan, being a positive role model in a Nation, a productive person of community, as a supportive family member, and as a kind individual.
- By using Cree Medicine Wheel, we find out where we are spiritually to be better able to help them on their Intellectual/Mental Quadrant. The Medicine Wheel can be used for identity, stage of life, emotional wellness, unbalance or balance quadrants and inter connection.
Target Audience are: First Nation, Metis, Inuit and individuals self- identifying, status and non-status, eighteen years old and up.
Visitors always welcome to call however making appointments are encouraged. Miigwetch,Nia:weh,Wela’lin